The Secret Life of a Bikini Competitor

PREP FILES EP 9: being objective with your body, magical calories, training struggles

Robyn Challands Season 1

Hello friends -  I am back with the next instalment of PREP FILES where I take you with me on my prep journey… now the ICN Victoria stage!

It’s been a while and I apologise! But it really is crunch time now so I promise I’ll be around a lot more and really take you on this last part of the journey, let’s go!

As always I also answer all your fantastic questions at the end (my fave bit!)

Some of the things I cover off in this episode:

  • Why I no longer wish to be a homeowner… lol
  • Gratitude a competitors best friend
  • Being able to be objective with my body
  • Magical calories fixing everything 
  • Struggling with not enjoying training
  • Current stats: weeks out, weight, training, wins, lessons, challenges etc.

Listener Q:&:

  • How would you recommend dieting before using a diet break?
  • How have you found your prep focus given the situation with shows - has it made it easier or harder?
  • When you lost your period in prep, did you continue to get some of the symptoms, cramps bloating etc.?
  • How do you choose a coach when you are a first time competitor
  • How much coffee or caffeine are you currently consuming
  • Are there any dream brands youd love to work with, pick one for each; clothing, supplements, skincare/beauty
  • Am I crazy for doing a prep in winter in uk?
  • Have you ever had a lack of confidence in the bedroom as you’ve got shreddy?
  • Did you ever have doubts that you could make it to stage? (currently me)
  • How to stop the binge eating cycle post show, 

And PLENTY more weird and wonderful things as usual.

I mention an interview I recently did with Sarah Collier around mindful eating/binge eating which is Episode 53 if you want to check it out.

You can subscribe so you never miss an episode and if you love the show feel free to leave a 5* review and/or share to your Instagram stories and tag me so I can see

And don't forget SLBC MERCH is STILL AVAILABLE! But not a lot left so if you've been thinking about grabbing a shirt now is the time! Head to to get yours now!

You can find me and the show on Instagram at and  

Love you,

R x

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